
Menampilkan postingan dari 2019


#nowplaying salah tingkah - RAN "Oh mungkinkah cinta yang buatku mati gaya, oh diriku salah tingkaahh..." Oke, lirik di atas bukan salah satu lagu yang ditampilkan RAN kemarin pada saat perayaan #RANniversary13 tanggal 27 Desember 2019 kok :) hehehe... It's so good to be back to write (typing) again on my blogspot since I have no spare time (busy at work also college hehehe *gaya*), it's been a long time gak banyak cerita di mirarurero hehehe. Senang sekali rasanya ingin berbagi cerita mengenai pengalaman ku kemarin! Tepat tanggal 27 Desember 2019 kemarin, RAN mengadakan showcase di secret location alias somewhere in Jakarta... When I purchased the ticket, sebenarnya agak bimbang "Loh kok ini somewhere in Jakarta ya?" tapi selama di Jakarta yaudahlah bismillah dulu aja hahahaha, akhirnya beli deh tiket LIFE <3 (alhamdulillah kebagian). Deg2an banget sebenarnya udah seminggu lagi tapi belum ada informasi ataupun kabar lokasi showcase nya d


Hallo semua, pembaca setia blog ramirs!!! Apa kabarnya??? sudah menjelang lebaran, maafkan Ramirs baru muncul kembali setelah melewati beberapa hal di bulan - bulan yang lalu ((UTEES)) lol...semoga hasilnya memuaskan yaa nanti... Tonight, I would like to share a book that have just finished this night :) at the moment :) Ditemani lagu Bosan - RAN... let's begin this review book... Semasa adalah salah satu buku yang aku beli di toko buku Aksara, Kemang. sebenarnya aku pengen banget main&beli di POST Santa, cuman nggak pernah sempat bisa ke daerah sana karena toko buku di sana juga baru buka sore hehehe :D jadi aku main di daerah Aksara saja deh, ditemani temanku, Tipung. Thank you Tipung yang sudah menemaniku <3 Dari novel Semasa ini, aku ngerasain beberapa hal yang bermakna dan yang aku alamin beberapa hari ini, mungkin karena aku baru ketemu beberapa temanku dahulu yaa... Terima kasih kepada penulis Semasa yang juga merupakan pengelola toko buku indepen

BOOK REVIEW - The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck

BOOK REVIEW The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck By: Siti Amira Septyani I would like to share a review book of The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson. Based on my opinion, this book has a good colour which is orange that means a spirit reading for the readers. The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck is consists of 199 pages and 9 chapters. From these chapters, the most chapter that I like was chapter 8, it’s about The Importance of Saying No . It’s all about a rejection makes our life better, boundaries, how to build a trust, and freedom through commitment. This book tells us about learning how to focus and prioritize our thoughts effectively; these lists are what I like: 1.    Uncertainty is the root of all progress and all growth. 2. The more we admit we do not know, the opportunities we gain to learn. 3. After all, the greatest TRUTHS in life are usually the most unpleasant to hear. 4. Sometimes these problems are SIMPLE. 😊 5. Giving a f*ck about


BOOK REVIEW The Book of Imaginary Beliefs By: Siti Amira Septyani                I would like to tell you the book review of The Book of Imaginary Beliefs by Lala Bohang. This book was published on February 18 th , 2019. Actually, Lala Bohang wanted to publish it on February 19 th , 2019 but with this change of date, she showed what’s Imaginary Belief is. The Book of Imaginary Beliefs is a book of sibling, that’s a third sibling book of Lala Bohang. Even though, The Book of Imaginary Beliefs is the youngest book but that’s the most maturity book, because the book told us some things that related to our life, even from the simple until the complicated ones. The colour theme of this book is green. When I asked to Lala Bohang, why did she consider to choose green colour as a dominant color for this book? She said no reason, because she just likes green and everything that related to nature color, just like another two books of hers, black and blue.                As you can

with the one I miss for a long time (hahaha lol)

Selamat tahun baru 2019 semuanya... Mohon maaf baru kembali lagi nih ke blog ramiramichi hahaha... <3 Sebetulnya udh mau mulai post lagi dari jam 7 malam tadi... cuman aku lagi gak ada ide mau sharing atau cerita apa gituuuuu hahahahaha :) Ok malam ini aku bakal sharing tentang..... jengjengjeng... Kemarin aku ke suatu tempat (a hidden place tapi bener2 gak ramai gitulohhh) cuman literally emang agak horror dan serem ya karena diputerin lagu2 jadoel gttt gatau dah hawanya aja agak beda... cuman menyenangkan karena memang akan selalu seru kalo spending time nya juga sama orang yang seruuuuu hahahahaha maksudnya yang gak b aja gituu, ngerti kan maksud akuu, b = biasa aja (?) We tried a nitrogen ice cream, padahal gak disediain nitrogennya dong wkwkwkwkwk, aku nyobain rasa bubblegum, snickers, sama salt caramel (kalau nggak salah)... Dan aku paling suka emang yang rasa bubblegum karena kan kayak pengen yg fresh2 gituu dan tastynya emang lumayan ok kalo yang bubblegum, kalo yg